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Here are different ways to spell Tarquin. Do you love this name, but want a different spelling?... maybe you just want to put a unique spin on a common name? You can use the Alternate name speller to get unique spellings for common names.

Here are different ways to spell, Tarquin.

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"Tarquin \t(a)-rquin, tar-quin\ as a boy's name is of latin origin. roman clan name: the name of two etruscan kings of early pre-republican rome (about fifth century ad). the son of the last king caused the famous rape of lucretia, the roman matron who killed herself rather than live in shame. this event led to the downfall of the tarquins and the change of elected consuls to rule rome instead. it has been depicted in poetry and drama in various languages.

tarquin has 3 variant forms: tarquinius, tarquino and tarquinus.

baby names that sound like tarquin are dargan, drakon and dracon. "
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