Baby Names and Name Generators

Top 50 Baby Names For May 2017

Here are the top 50 baby names for May 2017 on
Posted on June 02, 2017   |   Comments 

May is over and now it is time for the top 50 names for May 2017!

Aaliyah,girl] continues to be in the top 10, month after month! This is definitely a favorite among our users. [Isaiah is another popular name on our site.


Here is a full list of the top 50 baby names for  May 2017:

  1. Aaliyah - High exalted
  2. Aakarshan - Attraction
  3. Lee - Healer
  4. Kawhi - Unknown
  5. Abigail - A father's joy; father of exaltation
  6. Lily - Ghost; Storm Goddess; Spirit of the night
  7. Ray - Counselor
  8. Payton - From the fighter's town; fighting man's estate
  9. Isaiah - God's helper; salvation of God; the Lord helps me
  10. Bennu - Eagle
  11. Ellie - Beautiful fairy woman
  12. Journey - Unknown
  13. Michael - Like God; One who resembles God.
  14. Bailey - Bailiff; Fortification; Able
  15. Siyabonga - We are grateful
  16. Destiny - Certain fortune; Fate; The mythological Greek god of fate
  17. Kyrie - lord
  18. Harley - From the hare's meadow; hare meadow; the long field
  19. Anthony - Priceless; Flourishing; Flower
  20. Mia - Mine
  21. Jamie - Supplanter; he who supplants
  22. Finley - Fair hero; Sunbeam
  23. Melanie - Dark
  24. Ryan - Little king; king
  25. Isabella - God's oath

26-50 Continued on next page...

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Amelianna Rose said:
my name is quite rare (Amelianna Rose)
3/5/2022 10:08:46 AM

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