Baby Names and Name Generators

Guess Who ? - Help us decide Boy/Girl name ? Let us know your guess. Help us decide the name of baby along with your blessings !!!! Name Meanings Boy - ARHAM (Meaning: Merciful, Compassion) Boy - ALISHER (Meaning: Glorious, Noble, Brave)

Don't forget to share this poll with friends and family to get more responses. We will also post it to our social media accounts.

Guess Who ? - Help us decide Boy/Girl name ? Let us know your guess. Help us decide the name of baby along with your blessings !!!! Name Meanings Boy - ARHAM (Meaning: Merciful, Compassion) Boy - ALISHER (Meaning: Glorious, Noble, Brave)

 Boy - ARHAM (Meaning: Merciful, Compassion)
 Boy - ALISHER (Meaning: Glorious, Noble, Brave)
 Boy - ABRAHAM (Meaning: Many, Multitude)
 Girl - ALIA (Meaning: Noble, Leader, Elevated)

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