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Names That Rhyme With Fabio

Rhymes with Fabio


What Does Fabio Mean?

"Fabio \f(a)-bio\ as a boy's name is pronounced FAH-bee-oh. It is of Irish origin. Short form of Fabiano. Strong-man artist's model Fabio has brought modern recognition to the name.

Fabio has 1 variant form: Favio.

For more information, see also the related name Fabian.

Baby names that sound like Fabio are Fabe, Webb and Web.


What Does Fabio Mean?
"Fabio \f(a)-bio\ as a boy's name is pronounced FAH-bee-oh. It is of Irish origin. Short form of Fabiano. Strong-man artist's model Fabio has brought modern recognition to the name.

Fabio has 1 variant form: Favio.

For more information, see also the related name Fabian.

Baby names that sound like Fabio are Fabe, Webb and Web.
