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How New Parents Can Practice Self-Care

Posted on January 13, 2021   |   Comments 

Bringing home a new baby is one of the most joyous occasions a couple can have, but it can also be one of the most stressful. Worrying about whether the baby is healthy and safe, trying to take care of daily household chores, and running on very little sleep can all take a toll on your physical and mental health. It’s important to learn how to practice self-care during this time so you can be the best parent you can be, but many people aren’t sure where to start, especially when exhaustion is a factor.

One of the keys to getting anything done when you have a newborn is to get on a schedule. While it may seem the baby is calling all the shots, sometimes you just have to work everything around him until he’s old enough to learn the routine on his own. During the day, while he’s napping, do something just for yourself, such as taking a hot shower, eating a well-balanced meal, watching a favorite television show, or reading a book. Learning how to relax and focus on your needs a little will help you get through those long, sleepless nights.


Have Postpartum Clothing Ready

One of the many difficult things about being a new mom is having to boost your self-esteem. You may feel frumpy because your body isn’t quite ready to get back into your old clothes, and no one wants to get back into those maternity outfits after so many months of having no other options. Maxi dresses are a new mom’s best friend in the summer, and they can be worn with tights and a cute pair of boots during colder months. Leggings are popular in the colder months for a reason: they're super comfy!


Ask for Help

Many new parents are afraid to ask for help from friends and family because they feel that they should be able to handle everything on their own. The truth is, most parents feel a little lost now and then; it’s a normal part of taking care of a child. Don’t hesitate to reach out when you’re feeling overwhelmed, especially if you have friends and family who have already offered to help. You can also turn to the internet for advice on everything from soothing a restless infant to which services you can trust to enhance your daily life. is one site that offers information on a wide variety of services such as meal delivery, wine clubs (because you know you want a nightcap), and the ever-important topics of life and health insurance.


Get in Daily Exercise

No, really. You’re feeling tired (okay, exhausted), your brain is working on autopilot, and there are a million things to take care of around the house, so it’s understandable if you can’t see the benefits working out right now. However, daily exercise can help boost your self-esteem and give you a much-needed mental health break. Not only that, it can also help you get fit so that you feel better physically. To make exercising easier, look to a fitness app that offers guided workouts and step-by-step tutorials on proper techniques. Top fitness apps also include a variety of workouts, from cardio to calisthenics, so that exercising doesn't become boring. Don’t forget to eat well and take your vitamins, too, so that you have the energy and ability to sustain, and recover from, physical activity when you need it most.



Connecting with other parents can help give you a support system when you have questions, and no matter how much you prepare for parenthood, there will be questions at some point. Having a group of friends who understand what you’re going through will allow you to vent and give you someone to lean on when you need an emergency babysitter or help with daily responsibilities. You can find other parents by looking for local events and activities for little ones at the library, baby gym, or a baby-focused store.

Self-care is different for everyone, so it’s important to find the things that work for you and your partner, especially during the first few weeks of having your newborn home. If possible, ask a close family member to come and take over feeding and diapering duties for a few hours so you can get some rest during the first week or two. Taking care of yourself will keep you feeling strong and able to take on anything.

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