Baby Names and Name Generators

50 Baby Boy Names With Anagrams

Here is a list of 50 baby boy names with anagrams, great for twins & siblings!
Posted on May 01, 2019   |   Comments 

We previously release a list of baby girl names with anagrams, well... here is the boy version.  The list below is 50 random baby boy names that have a matching anagram name.

Names like this can be a little tricky to find without help and that is why we created this list. We also have a tool (mentioned at the bottom) that can help you find or make your own scrambled names.

  1. Ravid = Arvid
  2. Alin = Nial
  3. Raine = Erian
  4. Vale = Avel
  5. Lonne = Nolen
  6. Ethan = Thane
  7. Ranald = Arnald
  8. Ljubodrag = Dragoljub
  9. Gualterio = Gualtiero
  10. Erick = Creik
  11. Geedar = Eadger
  12. Fionnbarr = Finnobarr
  13. Struan = Rustan
  14. Rendall = Randell
  15. Heall = Halle
  16. Lander = Randel
  17. Abran = Anbar
  18. Delmon = Lemond
  19. Marah = Hamar
  20. Vernay = Rayven
  21. Renier = Reiner
  22. Johari = Jahiro
  23. Rondale = DeLoran
  24. Nail = Nial
  25. Randle = Randel
  26. Mila = Liam
  27. Elki = Kile
  28. Aluin = Ulani
  29. Arne = Rane
  30. Varen = Verna
  31. Sabri = Baris
  32. Baird = Braid
  33. Magner = German
  34. Renaldo = Arondel
  35. Thain = Nathi
  36. Markey = Kamrey
  37. Joki = Koji
  38. Aslan = Lansa
  39. Ante = Aten
  40. Aluin = Ulani
  41. Dary = Ardy
  42. Edgar = Dearg
  43. Leon = Noel
  44. Roman = Ramon
  45. Ado = Dao
  46. Raulo = Raoul
  47. Renat = Arnet
  48. Veejay = Jayvee
  49. Quentin = Quinten
  50. Indra = Dinar

I really like the names Ethan and Thane. They go great together as twins or brothers.

If you are interested in making your own unique name then you can use this word scrambler. It will find every combination of scrambled letters possible and you can simply choose your favorite.

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