Baby Names and Name Generators

Top Boy Names, Girl Names, And Unisex Names For April 2018

Here are the top 50 boy names, 50 girl names and 50 unisex names for April 2018 on
Posted on May 07, 2018   |   Comments 

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Top 50 Unisex Names:

  1. Ari - brings rain
  2. Eli - Jehovah is God; high
  3. Rayne - Wise leader
  4. Quinn - Wise
  5. Rai - Doe
  6. Rae - Doe
  7. Xavier - January; enlightened
  8. Kai - Fort
  9. Kari - Flows like water
  10. Caelan - Victorious people.
  11. Celestine - Heavenly
  12. Zariah - Rose; radiance
  13. Lowan - A mallee fowl
  14. Ollie - Olive tree
  15. Percy - Pierces
  16. Paix - Peace
  17. Mai - May
  18. Remy - From the raven's farm
  19. Zesiro - Buganda of Uganda name meaning first born of twins.
  20. Gaelle - Stranger
  21. Zephyr - Wind; west wind
  22. Yuri - To hear
  23. Vida - Sylvan man
  24. Raine - Raine \ra(i)-ne\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Raine), is a variant of Raines (English). See for meaning of Raine.

    The baby name Raine sounds like Rayne, Rain and Rane. Other similar baby names are Kaine, Caine, Daine, Faine, Gaine, Laine, Paine, Rainer, Rains, Raice and Zaine.
  25. Mikko - Gift from God
  26. Mavis - Songbird
  27. Esme - Kind defender
  28. Jaide - Goodness
  29. Jaira - Jehovah enlightens
  30. Kohana - Little flower
  31. Lani - Fair; Beautiful
  32. Cyprien - Cypriot
  33. Aurel - golden
  34. Peyton - From the fighter's farm; fighting-man's estate
  35. Shiloh - The one to whom it belongs. In the bible Shiloh is a prophetic name for the Messiah: Also Shiloh is significant as the site of a crucial battle in the American Civil War.; His gift
  36. Skye - sheltering
  37. Rei - law, rule; strive
  38. Micah - Like God; who resembles God
  39. Maeve - A mythical queen
  40. Veda - Eternal knowledge
  41. Zeya - Success
  42. Ario - Lioness of God
  43. Beau - Handsome; Beautiful; handsome; admirer; sweetheart
  44. Blaise - Stutters
  45. Damian - Tamer; Divine power; Fate
  46. Jelani - Mighty
  47. Jirra - Kangaroo
  48. Jarra - Eucalyptus tree
  49. Htet - Sharp
  50. Emery - Brave; Powerful; home strength

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