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Top Boy Names, Girl Names, And Unisex Names For March 2018

Posted on April 05, 2018   |   Comments 

Top 50 Boy Names

  1. Lee - Healer
  2. Aakarshan - Attraction
  3. Ray - Counselor
  4. Payton - From the fighter's town; fighting-man's estate
  5. Paisley - Unknown
  6. Finley - Fair heroe; Sunbeam
  7. Siyabonga - We are grateful
  8. DJ - Unknown
  9. Avery - Ruler of the elves
  10. James - Replace
  11. Ryan - Little king; king
  12. Isaiah - God's helper; salvation of God; the Lord helps me
  13. Aaron - Shining light; High mountain; Messenger
  14. Daniel - My judge is the Lord
  15. Mason - Stone worker; one who works with stone
  16. Michael - Like God; One who resembles God.
  17. Phoenix - Mystical bird; Purple; dark red
  18. Bailey - Bailiff; Fortification; Able
  19. Liam - will helmet, protection
  20. Elijah - Jehovah is God; the Lord is my God
  21. Mvelo - beginning/origin; creation
  22. London - Fierce ruler of the world
  23. Zion - A sign; highest point
  24. Kyrie - lord
  25. Benjamin - Son of the right hand; son of the south; son of my old age
  26. Marcel - God of war
  27. Jack - God is gracious
  28. Bentley - From the moors; bent grass meadow
  29. Kai - Fort
  30. Noah - Comfort; peaceful
  31. Mayank - Moon
  32. Olwethu - Love is ours
  33. Kinsley - Victorious; king's meadow
  34. Oakley - From the oak tree valley; meadow of oak trees
  35. Landon - From the long hill; long hill
  36. Sydney - from Sidon
  37. Adriel - of God's flock
  38. Jay - Healer
  39. Gabriel - God is my strength; God's able-bodied one; hero of God
  40. Luyanda - Love is growing
  41. Xavier - January; enlightened
  42. Jackson - Son of Jack; son of Jack
  43. Hadley - Heath-covered meadow; heather meadow
  44. Jason - Healer
  45. Sibusiso - blessing
  46. Remy - From the raven's farm
  47. Fallon - Surname
  48. King - Ruler; king
  49. Anthony - Priceless; Flourishing; Flower
  50. Sakhile - we have built

Unisex names are continued on the next page.

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