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Names That Rhyme With Jestina

Rhymes with Jestina

What Does Jestina Mean?

"Jestina \j(e)-sti-na, jes-tina\ as a girl's name is pronounced jess-TEEN-ah. It is of Welsh origin. Feminine form of Justin.

Jestina has 2 variant forms: Jesstina and Jestine.

Baby names that sound like Jestina are Justina, Austina, Justine, Justyna and Justinn. "

What Does Jestina Mean?
"Jestina \j(e)-sti-na, jes-tina\ as a girl's name is pronounced jess-TEEN-ah. It is of Welsh origin. Feminine form of Justin.

Jestina has 2 variant forms: Jesstina and Jestine.

Baby names that sound like Jestina are Justina, Austina, Justine, Justyna and Justinn. "