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Names That Rhyme With Santana

What Does Santana Mean?

"Santana \s(a)-nta-na, san-tana\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Santana), is pronounced san-TAN-ah. It is of Spanish origin. A blend of Saint and Anna, after the fashion of Sinclair. Rock guitarist Carlos Santana has made the name familiar.

Santana has 1 variant form: Santanna.

Baby names that sound like Santana are Santino, Sandino and Swanton.


What Does Santana Mean?
"Santana \s(a)-nta-na, san-tana\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Santana), is pronounced san-TAN-ah. It is of Spanish origin. A blend of Saint and Anna, after the fashion of Sinclair. Rock guitarist Carlos Santana has made the name familiar.

Santana has 1 variant form: Santanna.

Baby names that sound like Santana are Santino, Sandino and Swanton.
