Baby Names and Name Generators

Names Like Galway

This is our list of names that have a similar sound to Galway

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What Does Galway Mean?
"Galway \g(a)-lway, gal-way\ as a boy's name. Irish place name: a city in the west of Ireland. Critic Galway Kinnell; flutist James Galway.

For more information, see also the related name Galloway.

Baby names that sound like Galway are Gallway, Caley, Clay, Klay, Gale, Gal, Gall, Galo, Gallo, Gilley and Kaley. Other similar baby names are Galan, Calan, Callan, Conway, Galen, Galyn, Galin, Galeno, Gaelan, Galil, Galt, Garroway, Garraway, Kalan, Kawai and Kenway.
