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Names That Rhyme With Art

What Does Art Mean?

"Art \a-rt\ as a boy's name. Irish mythology: Art Oenfer ("Art the lonely") was a son of Conn Cetchathach ("Conn of the Hundred Battles"), who overcame dangers and difficulties to win his bride, Delbchaem. The name is also now used as a nickname of Arthur.

For more information, see also the related name Artemas.

Baby names that sound like Art are Ard, Arty, Arto, Arte, Arrt and Aart. Other similar baby names are Ari, Ara, Ary, Arn and Arv.


What Does Art Mean?
"Art \a-rt\ as a boy's name. Irish mythology: Art Oenfer ("Art the lonely") was a son of Conn Cetchathach ("Conn of the Hundred Battles"), who overcame dangers and difficulties to win his bride, Delbchaem. The name is also now used as a nickname of Arthur.

For more information, see also the related name Artemas.

Baby names that sound like Art are Ard, Arty, Arto, Arte, Arrt and Aart. Other similar baby names are Ari, Ara, Ary, Arn and Arv.
