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Names That Rhyme With Comus

Rhymes with Comus


What Does Comus Mean?

"Comus \c(o)-mus\ as a boy's name. Greek mythology: Comus was the Greek god of mirth and hilarity. He is usually represented in art as a young man with a torch and a goblet.

Similar baby names are Bemus, Cadmus, Caius, Claus, Colis, Como, Colas, Remus and Tomas. "

What Does Comus Mean?
"Comus \c(o)-mus\ as a boy's name. Greek mythology: Comus was the Greek god of mirth and hilarity. He is usually represented in art as a young man with a torch and a goblet.

Similar baby names are Bemus, Cadmus, Caius, Claus, Colis, Como, Colas, Remus and Tomas. "