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Names That Rhyme With Dalmace

Rhymes with Dalmace


What Does Dalmace Mean?

"Dalmace \d(a)-lma-ce, dal-mace\ as a girl's name is of Latin and French origin. Place name: Dalmatia is a region of Italy, and the supposed origin of the dalmatian dogs.

Dalmace has 3 variant forms: Dalma, Dalmassa and Dalmatia."

What Does Dalmace Mean?
"Dalmace \d(a)-lma-ce, dal-mace\ as a girl's name is of Latin and French origin. Place name: Dalmatia is a region of Italy, and the supposed origin of the dalmatian dogs.

Dalmace has 3 variant forms: Dalma, Dalmassa and Dalmatia."