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6 Benefits Of Dad Spending Time With Daughter

Posted on July 25, 2016   |   Comments 

Nothing is cuter than seeing a dad spending a day at the beach with his daughter, right? Well, did you know there are long lasting benefits to having a good father-daughter relationship? A lot of research has been done that proves that daughters who keep an open dialog with their fathers about relationships tend to be less sexually active and have more fulfilling relationships. That's not the only benefit... here is a list of 6 benefits of dads maintaining great relationships with their daughters.


1. Teaching logical thinking

Don't get me wrong, women can make logical decisions as well, but dads tend to keep emotion on the back burner when making tough decisions. Learning better decision-making skills will definitely help your daughter for years to come.


2. Physical Activity

What's more fun to a little kid than a strong dad throwing them high in the air and catching them... over and over again or going outside to play catch, soccer, etc. Dads tend to have more energy in this department. Having fun like this will give your daughter a healthy view of physical activity.


3. Relationships

A daughter who looks up to her dad will look for a guy with similar qualities. That means, a father who treats his wife and family good will show a daughter what she should expect from her husband.


4. Responsibility

A dad who takes care of his responsibilities will imprint this quality on his daughter. This is a VERY good quality for a teenager to have. Don't you want to be able to trust your daughter once she starts going out with friends?


5. Sense of Humor

Dads tend to be the goofball in the family. It's good to have a good sense of humor... it makes the days seem brighter.


6. Discipline

Dads have been known to be the most strict one of the two parents. A little discipline goes a long way. A teenager that knows that there are consequences to each action will make smarter decisions when they are on their own.

This isn't to say that a mom-daughter relationship isn't just as beneficial. Moms, of course, play a VERY important role in a daughter's life.


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