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Stay At Home And Earn Extra Money

Posted on August 17, 2016   |   Comments 

If you are a stay at home mom (or dad) and you have some free time on your hands, why not earn some extra money while your kids are taking a nap? What could be more rewarding than spending easy money on a well-deserved family vacation?

Making money from home is a lot easier than you might think, but caution is required because there are a lot of scams that will not pay or require you to pay a start up fee.

Below is a list of different ways to earn money:

  • Start a blog/website - Some people make as much as $100,000+ per month by blogging!
  • Take online surveys 
  • Work At Home Jobs


How to start a blog

"Starting" a blog is simple... you only need 1 thing: A low-cost and reliable hosting company, such as Bluehost that supports WordPress.


Just in case you don't know what WordPress is -- WordPress is an extremely simple and free content management system for creating blogs and websites.


Now, the reason I put "starting" in quotes is because that's just to get started. Once you set your hosting up Bluehost  and have WordPress installed, then the fun begins! You have to figure out what to post and it needs to be content that someone will want to read.

If you have an interesting life, a good sense of humor, any type of talent or a lot of knowledge on a subject then you will not have much of a problem finding things to write about! The more interesting and/or informative it is, the more people will share your site with others. Which brings up another topic - Traffic.

Getting traffic to your blog or website is very important if you want it to make any type of income. You can purchase traffic from reputable companies such as Google Adwords, try to gain it organically through search engine optimization (SEO) or gain popularity through social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and so on. Once you have traffic, you need a way to make  money from your site. Here are a few ideas:

Google Adsense & other ad networks

Google Search Engine is one of the most popular and trusted search engines. They have a unique search algorithm that makes them stand out above the rest. Google Adsense, part of the Google, inc empire, is Google's way for people with websites to earn extra cash.

If you are into creating and updating websites, blogs, youtube channels and any other type of web forum then you can earn extra income from google. Google Adsense allows you to place links for other advertisers on your website and they pay you for each click. The amount they pay you will vary based on content and click through rate (CTR), but if you have a popular website, you can make tons of extra money. Google Adsense is free, but your website does need to be approved in order to participate.

Google isn't the only player in this game. There are many smaller companies that offer the same types of programs. For example, InfoLinks and BidVertiser are two companies that pay well.


Affiliate Programs 

Affiliate companies, such as FlexOffers, LinkShare, and many others offer a ton of affiliate programs for you to choose from. Affiliate programs allow you to advertise products and services on your website and earn a percentage each time a specified action is taken. Each company has a different percentage, but many are as much as twenty-five  to fifty percent! Most affiliate programs are free, but your website must be approved in most cases.


Online Surveys

Taking surveys online is an extremely easy way to make extra money. All you have to do is choose an honest company like AmpSurveys and wait for the surveys to come in. It is best that you sign up for multiple survey companies because your surveys only come in if you meet the criteria for the specific questions they want to be answered. Remember to always be honest on your surveys.


Work At Home Jobs

Companies like, offer work at home jobs in customer service and other positions. If you aren't into creating websites, then this might be a good route for you. Here is a link to see if they are hiring in your area. Be sure to do your research and steer clear of jobs that require a start up fee. 



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1+8 = ?

Meredith said:
Great ideas! oh and I love Bluehost. Thanks for the suggestion.
8/17/2016 11:00:15 AM

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