Baby Names and Name Generators

Top 50 Baby Names For October 2017

Here are the top 50 baby names for October 2017 on
Posted on November 03, 2017   |   Comments 

  1. Michael - Like God; One who resembles God.
  2. Paisley - Unknown
  3. Aarika - Alternate Spelling: Erika Erica Ericka.
  4. Journey - Unknown
  5. Payton - From the fighter's town; fighting-man's estate
  6. Rosalie - Unknown
  7. Aria - Gentle music
  8. Gabriel - God is my strength; God's able-bodied one; hero of God
  9. Ayanda - they augment (the family)
  10. Alicia - of a noble kind; noble, honorable
  11. Ivy - Ivy
  12. Ntokozo - joy/happiness
  13. Kayla - Keeper of the keys
  14. Elizabeth - My God is bountiful; God of plenty
  15. Amelia - Industrious; Striving
  16. Eliza - My God is bountiful; God of plenty
  17. Nituna - Daughter
  18. Destiny - Certain fortune; Fate; The mythological Greek god of fate
  19. Joyce - Joy
  20. Austin - Unknown
  21. Molly - Bitter
  22. Ryan - Little king; king
  23. Naomi - Pleasant; pleasant
  24. Ellen - Bright one; Most beautiful woman
  25. James - To replace

My favorite girl name this month is Kayla,girl] and my favorite boy name is [Gabriel

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