Baby Names and Name Generators

What Cute Nickname Do You Call Your Significant Other

Posted on May 01, 2016   |   Comments 


What do you call your significant other?
Are you the type of person that never calls your boyfriend or girlfriend by his or her name? Do you always use a nickname like, baby, or sweet cheeks? While it may make the people around you cringe, it actually may be good for your relationship. Researchers have found that the "lovey dovey" names used by some couples pave the way for a more playful, resilient and satisfying relationship with your partner.

Quantity over Quality 
This is one of the times where quantity beats quality. Jamie Turndorf, Ph.D. says that it doesn't matter how good the nicknames are, it just matters that you use them. In fact, it might be the single easiest thing you can do to improve your relationship. Studies show that couples that maintain a 5-to-1 ratio of positive to negative communications are far more likely to remain happy.

Couple name generator
Lucky for you, here is a great tool to help you on your quest to happiness. The couple name generator is just what you need to find those cute, silly, or funny nicknames that you need to enhance your love life.

You are on your way...


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2+3 = ?

Jamie said:
I call my husband babe.
6/17/2016 11:04:03 AM

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