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Names That Rhyme With Fennel

Rhymes with Fennel

What Does Fennel Mean?

"Fennel \f(en)-nel\ as a girl's name is of Latin origin. From the name of the plant "faeniculum", a diminutive of "faenum", or "hay", whose seeds are used as a spice. Used as a given name probably because of its resemblance as a short form of Fenella.

For more information, see also related names Burnett and Cinnamon.

Baby names that sound like Fennel are Fauniel, Fynella, Finella, Fionnula, Finola and Wynell. Other similar baby names are Fanney, Fannee, Gunnel, Jannel and Jenneil.


What Does Fennel Mean?
"Fennel \f(en)-nel\ as a girl's name is of Latin origin. From the name of the plant "faeniculum", a diminutive of "faenum", or "hay", whose seeds are used as a spice. Used as a given name probably because of its resemblance as a short form of Fenella.

For more information, see also related names Burnett and Cinnamon.

Baby names that sound like Fennel are Fauniel, Fynella, Finella, Fionnula, Finola and Wynell. Other similar baby names are Fanney, Fannee, Gunnel, Jannel and Jenneil.
