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Names That Rhyme With Ouida

What Does Ouida Mean?

"Ouida \ou(i)-da\ as a girl's name is of English origin. Variant of Louise (Old German) "famous warrior". Used as the pen name of a Victorian romantic novelist named Marie Louise de la Ram?

Baby names that sound like Ouida are Aida, Auda, Jaida and Oda. Other similar baby names are Guida, Olida and Onida."

What Does Ouida Mean?
"Ouida \ou(i)-da\ as a girl's name is of English origin. Variant of Louise (Old German) "famous warrior". Used as the pen name of a Victorian romantic novelist named Marie Louise de la Ram?

Baby names that sound like Ouida are Aida, Auda, Jaida and Oda. Other similar baby names are Guida, Olida and Onida."